Welcome to 2015

Post date: Jan 15, 2015 5:27:3 AM

A new year has dawned and we are open for business.

2014 was a successful year for us. We have kept our historic building open and improved it both with capital works, the purchase of furniture, and some great work from all our volunteers. One of our great volunteers is currently working on refinishing our flooring which should be finished this week. Another step forward in seeing our building turn 100 years old in 2028.

Central to our success have been our hirers. We thank all who supported the centre in 2014 by holding their weddings, rehearsals, events, sales. meetings and training at the Centre. We know how hard it can be to find a building in inner Melbourne for hire - especially one that allows use over multiple days or weeks.

We have again been invited to participate in Open House Melbourne mid-year. This reflects the interesting design, architecture and faithfulness we show to our Arts and Crafts Building.

The building is important - it will be used by future generations not just for Masonic purposes, but also in providing a place for many varied NFPs, Businesses and individuals to hold their events in. Really, for us today, although we have an eye on the future, we also are part of today's world and community - and our building houses several diverse ones from the arts, business and also the living history of Freemasonry.

We invite hirers to help us see our Centenary by supporting us through using the building. Our rates are reasonable and I'm constantly told how good it is to use our building.

Happy New Year Everyone and welcome to 2015!

