Collingwood College 2015 Spring Fair
Post date: Oct 12, 2015 1:38:41 AM
We wish all at Collingwood College a great fair and every success in your fundraising efforts.
The school's web site is here, and you can follow the links to details on the fair, but these sorts of events always have much to offer for kids, parents, family and friends.
School fairs are always a great way to bring the local community together. We believe in supporting locals and this year donated a Free Hall Hire to Clifton Hill Primary School which they put into their silent auction. Its a bit late to do the same for Collingwood College but we can promote their day.... they are running a silent auction via the internet - you can view it by clicking here.
The school can be accessed via Hoddle Street, opposite the Collingwood Town Hall.
11 am - 4 pm
Sunday 18th October 2015
Collingwood College has been supported in the past by one of our Lodges - Lodge Devotion.In our mail box, we received a postcard promoting their school fair.
This will be held on