New Web Site

Post date: May 06, 2011 3:45:25 AM

For Immediate Release

5 May 2011

The Collingwood Masonic Centre Incorporated owns and operates the Collingwood United Masonic Centre.

The land now known as 141 Gipps St was purchased in 1924, quotations for building accepted on the 8 August 1928, foundation stone laid on 27 October 1928 and the first Lodge to occupy the building did so on the evening of 26 November 1929.

Today, the building continues to be home to a vibrant community of Freemasons committed to preserving and improving this important asset, and also committed to seeing wider community use of the facility.

In order to achieve those goals, it is the objective of the current committee of management to raise revenue through expanded hire to non-masonic tenants.

As part of a marketing strategy to engage the community beyond Freemasons, particularly potential hirers, has been established to provide information about using the hall.

Over the coming months our web site will be developed to provide information to potential users and current stakeholders.

A specific aim in creating the web page is to facilitate hirers to have an understanding of the space on offer to reduce the number of telephone calls our volunteers currently have to respond to and allow those volunteers to direct inquiring parties to the web site for information, while also generally lifting the profile of 141 Gipps Street as one of the limited hire spaces in the Collingwood area.


For further information contact Damien on 0407 805 616 or