Emergency Exercise in Collingwood and Clifton HIll on Wednesday 26 August 2015

Post date: Aug 20, 2015 1:49:16 AM

A circular from the City of Yarra recently received advises the below;

"You may novice and increase in the number of emergency vehicles and other traffic at and around the Collingwood Town Hall and the Yarra Council depot in Roseneath Street, Clifton Hill, on Wednesday, 26 August 2015, from 8 am to 4 pm

These vehicles will be taking part in a full-scale local emergency exercise on that day, and there is no need for you to be concerned as this exercise is not a real event.

The exercise will involve the Yarra City Council, 13 other councils, Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria, the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, the red Cross and the State Emergency Service.

A number of local community groups have been selected to play the role of affected residents.

The purpose of the exercise is to allow Council and other agencies in the North West Metro Region to put into practice their plans to provide emergency relief services to the community following an emergency...

..If you would like to ask any questions prior to the exercise, please contact our Emergency Management Planning Officer....."

If you want those contacts, email me - but I'm putting this here as I could not find anything easily accessible and clear on the web about this event and people might google it on the day.

That date again - Wednesday 26 August 2015


Police in Collingwood, Police in Clifton Hill, Police in Abbotsford, emergency, disaster, fire