Collingwood Masonic Centre 141 Gipps St Abbotsford included in Open Houses Melbourne 2014
Post date: Apr 26, 2014 5:35:46 AM
The Collingwood Masonic Centre at 141 Gipps Street Abbotsford has been selected as a site for Open House Melbourne 2014
It is our plan to open the Centre
on Saturday 26 July and Sunday 27 July 2014.We understand that other buildings in the City of Yarra will also be opened over the weekend.
Watch our announcements page for more detail.
Open House Melbourne is a not-for-profit association that runs annual events providing the public a free and rare opportunity to discover a hidden wealth of architectural, engineering and historic buildings nestled around the city.
The inaugural OHM 2008 event saw eight buildings open and more than 30,000 visits across the day. Since then, the event has grown and by 2010 it featured 59 buildings, incorporating Docklands in addition to the CBD. In 2011, 75 buildings opened their doors to the public. 2012 saw the 5th Anniversary for Open House Melbourne as 100 buildings opened their doors, spanning 9 precincts.
In 2013, OHM provided access to 107 of Melbourne's most significant and interesting buildings, including Flinders Street Ballroom for the very first time, and welcome 126,000 visitors.